Pilates Mat Exercise – Half Roll Down
Classic Pilates mat classes sometimes skip the Half Roll Down as it’s thought or as a beginner exercise. I like to teach it regardless of the level of the student as its an excellent warm up and bridge exercise for the spin before teaching the more challenging Roll up. In addition it gets you to engage your abs and breath.

After the Hundred place your hands under your knee creases and come up to a seated position with feet on the mat and knees bent. Sit up tall with knees hip distance apart, hands remain under your knees or move to under thighs. Feet stay on the mat throughout the Half Roll Down.
(highly recommend you invest in a thicker yoga mat for Pilates exercises – see picture!).
Curl you chin towards your chest, tuck your tailbone and c curve your lower back. You’re looking into your abs and scooping them in and up. Shoulders are drawing down away from the ears – no hunching allowed!
Inhale your breath as you roll back towards the mat until your arms softly straighten. Hold position and then exhale as you move forward taking the head towards the knees and keeping the c curve of the lower spine. As you round back you inhale and use the exhale when you come forward. Keep going for 5 repetitions. Click video below to see the Half Roll Down exercise.
Video of the Half Roll Down Pilates mat exercise
Arms: As you round your head towards your knees reach the arms forward, as you roll back the tips of your fingers come level with your knees.
Take a Pilates Mat Class
To join a classic Pilates mat class live on Zoom sign up below. You’ll get to experience the warm up exercises and in most classes I like to include the Half roll down.
Connect with Liz on Instagram : Pilatez with Liz
Pilates Body in Motion – Alycea Ungaro
Pilates Anatomy – Rael Isacowitz, Karen Clippinger
The Pilates Body – Brooke Siler
Plus attending multiple Pilates Mat Classes at Power Pilates, NYHRC and from 2020 onwards classes on Zoom.
Consult your physician or other health care professional before starting a fitness program. Liz is certified to teach Pilates Core Mat I & Mat II by Power Pilates in NYC. Her liability insurance for Pilates instructors is covered by Insure Fitness group.