Scissors in the Pilates Ab Series

Pilates Mat Exercise – Scissors

Scissors, Exercise 3 in Pilates Ab Series

The third exercise in the Ab Series for Pilates Classic mat class is Scissors. Often called Single Straight Leg Stretch as a key focus for this exercise is getting a stretch to the back of the legs.

For Scissors in Pilates start with legs at 90 degrees, lift head and shoulders off the mat and place both hands up near your right ankle. Take your left leg out to a high diagonal or no lower than 45 degrees. Inhale as you pull one leg in a double pulse (the right one with your hands on it) towards your midline and exhale as you switch legs, placing hands on left leg that is pulling in.

Ensure your focus is on using your abs to keep your shoulders and head off the floor and guiding the leg in towards you. It’s the abs and not the momentum of your legs that are working the magic here. A great abs and leg exercise as you flow from Double Leg Stretch into Scissors.

Repeat for 5-10 sets.

A few tips – Scissors in Pilates:

  • Your torso remains still
  • The pulses are small and hands are soft on to the leg
  • The abs pull the leg towards your torso, not your hands
  • Draw shoulders away from neck
  • Keep knees as straight as possible

Video of Scissors


If placing hands near your ankle is too much, move hands lower down your leg

Arms: Advanced Move
Reach arms long by your sides

Take a Pilates Mat Class

To join a classic Pilates mat class live on Zoom sign up below. You’ll get to experience Scissors!

Connect with Liz on Instagram : Pilatez with Liz

Pilates Body in Motion – Alycea Ungaro
Pilates Anatomy – Rael Isacowitz, Karen Clippinger

The Pilates Body – Brooke Siler

Plus attending multiple Pilates Mat Classes at Power Pilates, NYHRC and from 2020 onwards classes on Zoom.

Consult your physician or other health care professional before starting a fitness program. Liz is certified to teach Pilates Core Mat I & Mat II by Power Pilates in NYC. Her insurance for Pilates instructors is with Insure Fitness group.