Pilates Mat Exercise – Lower Lift
The fourth exercise in the Ab Series for Pilates Classic mat class is Lower Lift. Transition from Scissors into Lower Lift by diamond shaping your fingers and placing them under your lower back/tailbone (beginner/intermediate level). Lower Lift targets the lower and upper stomach muscle as you stretch your legs long.

Exercise 4 in the Ab Series
Protecting your lower back is crucial in Lower Lift. If I was standing in front of you I would see you wiggling your fingers under your butt. Raise your head, shoulders and elbow off the mat. Lower legs away from the torso for a 3 count in the range of high diagonal to 45 degrees. Pull legs back towards the waist stopping at 90 degrees on 1 count. The focus is on engaging your abs (pull your navel into spine) as your lower and raise legs. Be careful not to go to low. Protect your lower back!
Inhale as you lower legs and exhale to lift legs. Repeat for 5-10 times.
A few tips – Lower Lift:
- Keep your back flat onto the mat (and into your hands). The back never arches off the mat.
- Engage the abs as you move your legs in each direction. The abs drive the action not the momentum of the legs
- Legs are tight together, zipped up and feet in Pilates stance (heels together, slight gap between toes that are turned out)
Video of Lower Lift
As you advance in this exercise, place three fingers over three fingers and take hands to the nape of your neck with head lifted. Squeeze buttocks tight as you lower and lift.
Makes sure as you lower your legs the back does not arch off the mat. As you build up strength in your abs you will be able to take them lower but never compromise your back stability.
When lifting the legs back towards your waist line ensure they stop at 90 degrees (perpendicular to the ceiling) and never go beyond your belt line. Butt stays on the mat.
Take a Pilates Mat Class
To join a classic Pilates mat class live on Zoom sign up below. You’ll get to experience lower lift!
Connect with Liz on Instagram : Pilatez with Liz
Pilates Body in Motion – Alycea Ungaro
Pilates Anatomy – Rael Isacowitz, Karen Clippinger
The Pilates Body – Brooke Siler
Plus attending multiple Pilates Mat Classes at Power Pilates, NYHRC and from 2020 onwards classes on Zoom.
Consult your physician or other health care professional before starting a fitness program. Liz is certified to teach Pilates Core Mat I & Mat II by Power Pilates in NYC. Her insurance for Pilates instructors is with Insure Fitness group.