How do I stop the overwhelm? “Live in day-tight compartments (one grain of sand, one task at a time)” – Dale Carnegie
Here’s a five ideas to help with the stress, worry and anxiety around all that “has” to be done!
Do one thing and only one thing
This means focus on one thing at a time and get it done. You will get that task completed quicker if you just do it. Don’t let other thoughts that enter your mind led you astray. Multi tasking isn’t your friend. Fully commit to the one thing, the one task and get it complete.
Focus the mind
Be present on the now. Many times during a day our mind is thinking about the past or in the future. Once you notice you’re doing this you’ll be amazed how much time you hang out there! We can learn from the past and look forward to the future. However…spending excess time there will plummet your energy. Stop that and train the mind to focus!
Write it down
If having trouble sleeping, write it down before you go to bed.
If you are an early morning person (and you don’t have 3 kids pulling you out of bed) then write it down then. What is “it” you’re writing down?
– it can be a to-do list, three key action items you MUST get done the following day or it can be a ramble of thoughts and feelings you just need to get off your mind.
Short on time? Set a timer for ten minutes anytime throughout your day and write, write, write.
Batch it baby!
No surprise I got this from the book, The 4 Hour Work Week by Tim Ferriss.
Can you stop checking email the first hour of your day, or even better can you shut off email and schedule when throughout your day you will check and respond? I believe Tim Ferriss suggested Noon and 4pm as email and/or voicemail times. What would work for you? Put outlook into offline mode or just shut it done. Try 15 mins, then 30 mins and review how it effects your productivity.
Look at your working habits
My favorite book is a really old one. How to stop worrying and start living by Dale Carnegie. One chapter talked to 4 good working habits that help prevent fatigue and worry. Here they are:
1) Clear your desk of all papers except those relating to the immediate problem at hand.
2) Do things in the order of their importance.
3) When you face a problem, solve it then and there if you have the facts necessary to make a decision. Don’t keep putting off decisions.
4) Learn to organize, deputize and supervise
BONUS TIP: Read the book – How to stop worrying and start living by Dale Carnegie.
Hope you can start to build into your week one or a few of these ideas. Take the ones that resonate and give it a go!