Pilates Mat Exercise – Double Leg Stretch
The second exercise in the Ab Series for Pilates Classic mat class is Double Leg Stretch. A great exercise for building your stamina as you flow from one exercise to another.

Exercise 2 of the Ab Series
After single leg stretch hug both knees into your chest and place your hands on each ankle. If not already raised, lift head and shoulders off your mat.
Exhale as you pull both knees in towards you and inhale as you simultaneously stretch both arms long over your head and straighten your legs. Your legs stretch out to no lower than 45 degrees. Ensuring you focus on lengthening your arms and legs in opposition to each others while pulling your abs in and up. The arms sweep around in a circle motion as you hug knees in.
Inhale as you stretch long and Exhale when you hug knees in. Repeat 8-10 times.
A few tips – Double Leg Stretch:
- Keep the trunk or torso of your body stable. Movement is in the arms and legs.
- Focus on stretching in opposition – legs long in front of you and arms long behind you.
- Lower back is glued to the mat – it does not move!
- Remember to breath!
Video of Double Leg Stretch
From arms long behind you, instead of circling, reach arms down by your side.
Straight up to the ceiling, at 90 degrees, for any back issues.
Keep you chin to your chest to support your neck.
Take a Pilates Mat Class
To join a classic Pilates mat class live on Zoom sign up below. You’ll get to experience double leg stretch!
Connect with Liz on Instagram : Pilatez with Liz
Pilates Body in Motion – Alycea Ungaro
Pilates Anatomy – Rael Isacowitz, Karen Clippinger
The Pilates Body – Brooke Siler
Plus attending multiple Pilates Mat Classes at Power Pilates, NYHRC and from 2020 onwards classes on Zoom.
Consult your physician or other health care professional before starting a fitness program. Liz is certified to teach Pilates Core Mat I & Mat II by Power Pilates in NYC. Her insurance for Pilates instructors is with Insure Fitness group.