Pilates Mat Exercise – Criss Cross

in Pilates Ab Series
Criss Cross is the fifth and final exercise in the Ab Series for Pilates Classic mat class.
The obliques and waistline are the target for this exercise.
Layer fingers over fingers and place your hands behind the nape of your neck. Legs are bent in a Pilates tabletop position. Lift up head and shoulders from mat and twist in one direction towards bent knee, lengthen the opposite leg to a high diagonal or no lower than 45 degrees. Switch sides, bending straight leg in and lengthen bent leg. The key here is to not sink down into the mat as you switch sides and legs. Keep your abs engaged.
Its a tough one to finish the Abs Series on! Remember to breath, pull your abs in and up and stretch your leg long. Think of taking your armpit towards your knee to help you from sinking back all the way down into your shoulders as you switch sides.
Start with 5 sets and build up to 10.
A few tips – Criss Cross:
- It’s all about the lift and twist
- Elbows are extended and the focus is on armpit to knee (not the obvious elbow to knee)
- Legs stretches long in front of you and never lower than 45 degrees
- Mentally tell yourself “up and around”, its never a roll from side to side
Video of Criss Cross Stretch
Always stretching long but if 45 degrees is too low. lift then up to a high diagonal
No twisting from your neck. The movement is from your waist.
Take a Pilates Mat Class
To join a classic Pilates mat class live on Zoom sign up below. You’ll get to experience criss cross!
Connect with Liz on Instagram : Pilatez with Liz
Pilates Body in Motion – Alycea Ungaro
Pilates Anatomy – Rael Isacowitz, Karen Clippinger
The Pilates Body – Brooke Siler
Plus attending multiple Pilates Mat Classes at Power Pilates, NYHRC and from 2020 onwards classes on Zoom.
Consult your physician or other health care professional before starting a fitness program. Liz is certified to teach Pilates Core Mat I & Mat II by Power Pilates in NYC. Her insurance for Pilates instructors is with Insure Fitness group.