A blog from a Kiwi living in NYC.
On this site the aim is to provide helpful info on getting “it” done.
“it” on this site = Productivity, Better Sleep, Pilates, Savings, Potions* and Places!
* The alcohol-free ones!
Including tips in response to the questions I get asked about the most – my two favorite places – New Zealand and New York.
Sharing the how, when and where! The why to visit is easy. For NZ – the answer is it’s simple stunning. For NYC the answer is a little more descriptive. I describe it as a cool, exciting, awesome, high energy city.

For the body I teach a Pilates Outdoor Mat class at Power Pilates in NYC
Wednesday at 7.00am
Thursdays at 6.00pm
or sign up below and I will send you the details via email!
Connect with me on Instagram @pilatezwithliz